Channel: Libertarian Prepper
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Relationships and Self-growth

The process of seeking out a lifelong partner seems to be at least in equal measure the process of discovering, determining, and standing by your self-valuation. This can be especially difficult and...

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There’s something wrong about the Elon Musk narrative…

I’ve been a fan of Elon Musk for some time now. Why not, right? He builds spaceships and wants to colonize Mars, he builds electric cars that are green and great for the Earth, he wants to build a...

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Want to stop mass shootings? Arm more people with firearms.

Let’s say you live in a totalitarian state that has banned firearms from citizen use, such as England, and terrorists show up and start murdering people. What do you do? Run, hide, and then call the...

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Black Lives Matter doesn’t seem to care about the black slave trade in Libya

Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Ever since the fall of Gaddafi, Libya has become an increasingly chaotic basket case. One of the most dramatic consequences of this is that slavery is back. This isn’t...

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Black Nazis in Africa taking over?

I’ve been learning some shocking, disturbing facts about South Africa and Zimbabwe over the last few days and I’d like to share these with you. It appears as though there’s a bizarre flavor of racist...

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What’s up with all the anti-semitism?

Following what looks like a false flag chemical attack in Syria, I just watched a brilliant video by Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson in which he argues that a war in Syria would be a terrible...

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Voting should be restricted to people who have skin in the game

Disclaimer: I’m a voluntaryist and I consider voting to be morally wrong. However, for the sake of playing devil’s advocate, I wanted to write up an article on who should be allowed to vote. And no,...

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The next frontier in civil rights is not trans people

Liberals are always looking for their next moral crusade. Once black people, women, and homosexuals were recognized as having equal rights, they ran out of causes until they found trans people. And...

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Why are SJWs in the West?

This is a serious question: why are you here? Virtually every civil rights campaign has been won. Blacks, muslims, gays, and women all have equal rights. They can all exist, get jobs, own property, and...

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Stop treating the far-left as though they were well intentioned

I think it’s really important to recognize that a lot of what you see the so-called “far left” doing is a front for their real intentions. They may seem like they want to fight Nazis or racism, so they...

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